We're in the Finals!

We're in the Finals!

Two weeks ago, we competed in the Semi-finals of the NYU Entrepreneurs Challenge Accelerator and along with 5 other startups, have advanced to the Finals of the New Venture competition. 

For the semis, we had to submit a video (under 2 minutes) and a business plan (14 pages) along with a detailed 5 year financial forecast. On the day of the competition, we pitched for 9 minutes and then fielded questions  from the judges for 20 minutes. 

Rinse and repeat for the finals on Friday. With the judges’ feedback in mind, we edited our video, revised our business plan and financials, and re-submitted both last week. Since then, we've been working on our pitch - for us, it's go big or go home! 

Stay tuned for updates on our end. It’s going to be tough - the competition is fierce. But whatever happens on Friday, we feel like we've already won! If you're in NYC and want to check out the competition and cheer us on, find details here

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