As summer winds down and life starts to speed up again, meditation is more important than ever. So Hum is a mantra that makes meditation easily accessible for beginners. It brings together sound, breath and awareness to calm the mind and help let go of anxiety.
To start, find a comfortable seat and take a few deep breaths as you begin to focus your attention on your breath. When you're ready, as you begin to inhale, begin to silently chant "So" to yourself. Lengthen out the internal sound so that it links with the entire length of the inhale. At the end of the inhale, pause for a moment, holding the breath in. Then begin the exhale, silently chanting "Hum" to yourself for the entire length of the exhale. When you've exhaled everything out, pause for a moment, empty, then begin the next round.
In Sanskrit, "so hum" means "I am that” and refers to the concept that we are all connected to the universal energy that supports and nourishes us. As the rhythm of the internal chant takes over, thoughts may drop away for moments at a time and you'll just 'be'. Another option is to adopt an open minded state where an awareness of the wonder and mystery of life can arise. Don't force anything, see if you can be open and non judgmental towards whatever comes up.